
Short stories tagged with Enemies

Listing 5 stories.

After a man's suicide, his former wife and sister live together. at odds with one another as they differently processes their feelings of grief.

While on a mission to retrieve his magical coat, a legend of the London Below gets captured by a long-time enemy and, in the face of death, is saved by his older brother. Shaken by this sudden encounter with his first-ever rival, the legend resumes his mission with renewed determination to be his own hero.

Two military men with a history of conflict play a game of dice and one loses all of his money. The defeated man then attempts to steal the money back.

When a physics professor reaches the cusp of his greatest work, he pressures his friend into sharing research information and lands himself into trouble with the U.S. military.

A proud young lumberjack with flowing red hair challenges the respect and power of a local folk hero in the woodsmen's camp. The folk hero cuts off the lumberjack's hair in retaliation and the young man seeks revenge, leaving both men haunted by the consequences of his actions.