Short stories in the genre Family Drama

Listing 97 stories.

A girl visits Puerto Rico to bond with her grandfather, and they find that music brings them together. After she returns home to the US, the grandfather struggles to converse with her over the phone.

After a boy finds a dime on the ground, he buys a load of bread — only to have it stolen by his abusive uncle. The boy must decides if he wants to stand up against his uncle, or accept yet another loss.

An overprotective mother attempts to get her teenage daughter to tell her why she is so upset. In an erratic and panicked conversation, the daughter reveals an unimaginable problem they must tackle together.

A mother in a 19th century prairie town engages in a prolonged mourning process for her dead husband as she faces more tragedies and avoids her shady father-in-law.

A boy and his dysfunctional parents take a holiday trip, where the father's stress, misery, and disappointments instill murderous desires in him.

A middle-aged man’s trip into the Irish countryside causes him to reflect on the dreams he gave up for his now-failing marriage.

Thirteen-year-old Angelle gets into a car accident when her drunken father begs her to drive home in his stead. Later, she must take the witness stand in court and decide her family's future with her testimony.

A young girl from a family of migrant workers in California is invited to her wealthier school friend's birthday party.

Ignoring numerous warnings from others, a mother promises her eleven-year-old daughter that she can have a slumber party for her birthday, which proves to be a little more hectic than she can handle.

An aging Puerto Rican woman searches her bodega for a letter from her distant son, and recalls her own desire to escape her restrictive life in America.