Results for Toys R Us But Corrupt?
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Listing 6 stories.
In Jim Crow America, a newly animate Black doll struggles to find herself a loving human friend.
After returning the I CAN SPEAK mask for babies, which plays and simulates sophisticated speech, a woman receives a lengthy letter from an overly-enthusiastic sales rep about the mask's ability to make babies more intelligent and loveable.
Some time in the distant future, a children's toy inspection agency reviews imported alien toys to make sure they are safe for "Terran" children to use. The inspectors play the three imported games and suspect nefarious intentions from the "Ganymedean" toy makers.
The characters in violent commercials realize they can resist their dark fates, and they rise up against the consumer establishment.
A conversation in a shopping mall ends with a call to security.
In an increasingly inappropriate recorded message to a customer, a department store clerk compares their product complaint to kangaroos he saw at the local zoo.