Results for Joan Didion
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Listing 206 stories.
A couple attends the show of a marvelous, sensuous, and regal African American singer in Paris. The wife of the couple finds herself struggling for a grip as the pleasure of seeing this performer infiltrates her fortress of restraint.
When a professor of French literature attends a tribute event in New York City for her old playwriting teacher, she remembers how young she was when their unconventional relationship transpired.
The daughter of a recently-deceased actress discovers that the man she thinks is her father may not be—and that she might actually be the offspring of a highly acclaimed actor who just so happens to be in town.
When a New York woman learns that her assistant’s husband cut his middle finger off during a fight, she can’t help but dwell on her assistant’s luck with men and her own inferiority.
Upon returning to Paris after a decade-long hiatus wandering the French countryside and writing an epic, a poet encounters an enigmatic young woman who believes he is a god and wants to be his disciple,
A lesbian painter in the Northeastern United States evolves from the 1980s to the 2020s as she witnesses horrible tragedy, familial disapproval, and blazing-hot love.
In 1950s New York, a world-renowned female pianist develops a mysterious condition that leaves her unable to play. Forced to confront her unhappiness, she decides to rent a studio at Carnegie Hall to sort out her failing marriage and career.
Haunted by her father's death caused by cancer, a woman attempts to die by suicide. When her boyfriend's advisor finds out she has stolen cyanide from his lab, she must hide her will to die from her boyfriend.
An elderly woman prepares for her death, but is anxious for someone to listen to her precious memories and cherish them after her death.
In the early 1930s, an aspiring Jewish artist takes a voyage across the Atlantic in search of a mentor in Paris. The man she is looking for is no longer there, but she meets someone else instead: a doctor turned novelist with an unsavory philosophy but burning desires.