Results for Chance Encounters On Public Transportation
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Listing 206 stories.
Passengers remain on a bus that may never reach its destination.
A bus filled with passengers from different walks of life begins its long journey. Everyone has different problems assailing their otherwise ordinary lives, but as the bus rolls along, these issues begin to be resolved for each through the unwitting actions of the others.
A man reflects on his countless journeys on Greyhounds—and the woman he hoped to see at his destinations.
When an earless woman fails to show up at the train station on Walter Mason’s regular 5:22 p.m. commute from MIT to his home in rural Massachusetts, Mason begins to question the routines that dictate his life.
A crotchety old woman gets off at the wrong bus stop and, to her dismay, is stuck in a town she's never heard of with strangers whose behavior is bizarre and disconcerting.
In the late 20th century, a women riding a train from Boston to Chicago encounters a stranger who works as a phone psychic. While waiting for the train to keep moving after an unfortunate accident, he tells her a chilling prophecy.
As a bus travels from Ohio to New York, a man entertains himself by conversing with the passengers he calls "hillbillies" riding along.
On a train in 20th century London, a middle-aged stranger tells a man about a series of strangely realistic dreams he had depicting a horrific world war that he could have prevented.
A man flies back to the country of his birth and reckons with people and places he longer seems to know.
A taxi driver picks up a mysterious, dirty child who only wants to ride with him. As he picks her up in different spots throughout the summer, he decides he wants to learn more about the unusual girl.