Short stories by Elizabeth Bear

Elizabeth Bear was born on the same day as Frodo and Bilbo Baggins, but in a different year.   She is the Hugo, Sturgeon, Locus, and Astounding Award winning author of dozens of novels; over a hundred short stories; and a number of essays, nonfiction, and opinion pieces for markets as diverse as Popular Mechanics and The Washington Post. ​ She lives in the Pioneer Valley of Massachusetts with her spouse, writer Scott Lynch.  ​ Elizabeth is a frequent contributor to the Center for Science and the Imagination at ASU, and has spoken on futurism at Google, MIT, DARPA's 100 Year Starship Project, and the White House, among others. To contact Elizabeth, please email.  ​Elizabeth is represented by Jennifer Jackson of the Donald Maass Agency. For rights inquiries, please contact her.

Listing 7 stories.

Humanity is gone, collectively vanished in an instant, leaving one single woman behind - or so she thinks. Then she meets the last man. Unfortunately, he's a jerk.

A killer undergoes brain surgery instead of facing death, but danger follows them regardless.

After spending her life burning her written memories and deleting her own past to the point where her physical body is vanishing, a woman realizes that one of her lost memories may prevent a terrorist attack, and must try to remember all the lost pieces of her traumatic past.

A fifty-year-old tech billionaire’s preference for solitude is challenged when someone hacks his AI-controlled home and traps him for a ransom of 150 million dollars.

In the far future, a zealous scientist wanders the highlands of Venus alone, risking death at the hands of Cytherean tigers in order to discover the lost settlement that would vindicate her research and satisfy her jealousy for her "perfect" partner. What she discovers, however, fails to satisfy her. Tired of living in her famous partner's shadow, a zealous scientist in the far future embarks on a dangerous solo expedition through the highlands of Venus in order to discover the lost city of Ishtar. What she discovers, however, fails to satisfy her.

After the near total collapse of the human race it falls upon one injured machine and one young boy to survive long enough to pass on stories about human lives and history.

An industrious journalist who makes a living spreading fake news during Trump's first presidential term receives a rude ethical awakening when one of his colleagues is accused of criminal acts.