Short stories tagged with Spanish Language

Listing 7 stories.

After watching his father's infidelity slowly poison the family dynamic and his mother's happiness, a young, gay Afro-Latinx boy meets his father's mistress.

A squirrel monkey defeats the competition and fulfills her dream of becoming an astronaut. Based on the true story of Miss Baker, one of the first animals to be launched into space in 1959.

A well-known bullfighter grapples with the rising fame of a competitor known for his daring fighting methods. When the media begins to call the experienced fighter boring as the rivals' match approaches, the expert bullfighter must decide whether to alter his successful but obsolete methods to win back his audience.

A young, hungry girl disobeys the rules of her village and fails to provide "La Caridad," a monster who takes the form of an old lady, the proper offering of food one day. That night, the ten-year-old faces the terrible consequences of her actions.

In pre-Civil War Spain, a little girl witnesses her famous matador uncle become plagued by superstition and deteriorate in his craft.

A journalist interviews his favorite writer, only to discover that her seemingly science fiction novels are more realistic than he realized.

An American visits his family in Spain as the Spanish Civil War erupts. Familial tensions emerge as he argues against war with his wounded cousin, who served for the Nationalists.