Short stories tagged with Socialism

Listing 7 stories.

Workers at an American franchise restaurant located in southern China learn of the different ways American capitalism exploits them and creates food waste, leading them to rebel against their bosses.

A young woman reunites with an old college friend who has immersed himself in Marxist ideology and begins falling in love with his deep political passion.

A young boy watches as one of his best friends becomes an advocate for socialism after attending Hebrew school and working for the local grocer in their Jewish neighborhood during World War II.

A young man who is described as hippy-esque receives a letter from a friend who is killed during the Vietnam war and grapples with the possibility of being drafted himself.

A pregnant narrator navigates her Chinese in-law’s opinions about America when they come to visit before she gives birth.

The world is at war: on one side, the corporate remains of human civilization. On the other, the aliens who have returned from Mars to live and regrow the Northern Hemisphere. In the midst of the war, one unnamed corporate solider realizes that their travel technology can be used to time-travel and takes that opportunity to try to save lives in the midst of this senseless violence.

In an alternate Great Depressions NYC, a Jewish foreman investigates the true outputs of his factory as his eccentric German employer seeks to use an emerging idea called "industrivism," or the improvement of the human body through technology, created by a bored pulp writer, to recruit workers to fulfill his machinations. Without realizing, a pulp writer in an alternative 1920s New York City invents the idea of "industrivism" that earns her an audience with an eccentric German businessman. Meanwhile, a Jewish foreman investigate the true purpose of the factory and unearths his employer's dark past and future machinations.