Short stories tagged with Poison

Listing 9 stories.

When a plane loadmaster is sent on a recovery mission for hundreds of bodies in a South American jungle, the cargo he picks up begins to haunt him and the other crew members.

Susan's slow poisoning of her abusive husband starts to feel more immoral to her brother as he befriends the broken man. When is the murder of an abusive husband not okay? As Susan slowing poisons Frank to death, her brother comes to understand how the broken man came to be. Susan's slow poisoning of her abusive husband starts to feel more immoral to her brother as he learns about the man's tragic character.

A retired chemist forms a friendship with a young girl whose mother is suspected of poisoning her dead husband. Out of concern, the chemist starts a rift with the woman that has an unexpected romantic ending.

An irate customer at a fast food joint slashes an employee's car tires and wrecks the engine. Years later, homeless and fresh out of prison, the employee encounters the same man and swears he'll get revenge.

Two airship engineers who suddenly find themselves jobless decide to make a dangerous train journey from post-war Baltimore to San Fransisco for better chances at finding work.

Fleeing from a queen who intends to kill her, a female-identifying prince takes refuge in the Valley of Wounded Deer and learns to accept her death. Upon her return to the castle, she finds that her allies have other plans in mind.

In an ancient Indian village, a young widow-turned-assassin receives her latest assignment: kill Alexander the Great.

A woman's search for her twin brother and his lost cat embroils her in a London jewel heist.

In the fantasy land of Silendar, a young girl is shunned by the village and spends most of her days at her home. Through a small hole in the wall that surrounds her family grounds, the girl makes her first friend with a teenage boy from the village who has a similar situation to hers.