Short stories tagged with Normalcy

Listing 6 stories.

In a Paris churchyard, a man and his friend bear witness to the bizarre transformation of man into bird and a Bird Man into something more perhaps dangerous.

A city employs people to act strangely to order to make others feel normal.

Compiling notes for an English essay, a sixteen-year-old girl recounts her middle-class upbringing, kleptomania, and eventual coercion into prostitution and assisting with drug use. After she suffers violence and abuse, she is eventually rescued — but the experience traumatizes her.

A single mother struggles to return to normal life after her only son gets married while receiving rude advice from her neighbor who claims she is only trying to help the mother out.

When a volcanic eruption impedes their plans to go back home to California, a middle-aged data analyst and his energetic mother find themselves trapped in Iceland, their mutual discomfort toward one another prolonged.

After World War II, as he skis in the mountains of Switzerland, a Jewish Frenchman recognizes a German man who once left him for dead in the snow as a child.