Short stories tagged with Leaving

Listing 5 stories.

While they were originally set on different paths after graduation, a young boy and girl get engaged. They decide to have their teacher as their witness, but once they discover their teacher had killed herself, they break their engagement.

A teenage girl and her mother grapple with the mother’s impending death. Throughout her mother’s last days, both try to cope with the idea of losing each other as the daughter gives in to her mother’s spontaneous requests in an attempt to please her.

A woman has an affair with a female lover who works in retouching models and imagines retouching the woman's face and body. The lover carries multiple selves inside of her, one of them a muscular, furry, aggressive man whose body hers (the lover's) sometimes resembles in bed.

A young woman struggles to reenter her life after she returns from the Fae world: everywhere she looks, she sees signs of them and the pain they cause. Eventually she must decide whether to rejoin them or to stay where she is in Seattle.

A wife living in a rural town wants to move out of her husband's house with her three children. However, her will wavers when a rainstorm prevents them from moving, and the husband begs them to stay.