Read these if you like Space Travel

Listing 6 stories.

The captain of the largest aircraft in history becomes a cyborg after his aircraft crashes, and he sets his sights on becoming the first man to land on Jupiter.

A woman on a space mission to help save the planet sends audio messages to her brother back on Earth. The last message contains gut-wrenching confessions, and reveals that her brother is the reason she is on the mission at all.

A girl with cybernetic advancements, having run away from her overbearing mother by selling herself into corporate slavery on the outer fringes of Jupiter, devises a plan to ensure that her mother cannot use religious laws to bring her home.

A series of journal entries based in the far future mark a middle-aged female scientist’s descent into Adamancy: a disordered obsession with diamantine structures on Neptune that, when melted, allow for instantaneous travel through space. The diaries, alongside reportage on the creation of “the Melee,” or teleportation technology from these diamonds, tell the story of the scientist’s entrapment by her colleague— and her attempted escape.

Two friends decide to recreate the Santa Claus legend on Mars—with a few twists.