Read these if you like Female Friendships

Listing 7 stories.

In the Land of Witches, an enslaved girl learns the magic of Dream Science and liberates herself from her master. Her account of the town inspires a present-day researcher, trapped in her war-torn hometown, and a band of witches to pilgrimage to the site. An enslaved girl's fantastical account of the Land of Witches encourages a group of witches and a present-day researcher, marooned in her war-torn hometown, to locate the site through the magic of dreams.

A music producer in Chicago helps her friend through heartbreak while she simultaneously examines her own ideas about love in the context of her long affair with a married man.

Two longtime friends move in together during the COVID pandemic. When one friend's daughter starts to confide in the other friend, the mother becomes jealous.

A young woman in Nashville helps mediate her roommate's messy relationship when her drunk boyfriend insists on coming over late at night.

The day before the high school folk dance festival, a teenage dancer worries that her parents will embarrass her in front of her popular friend.

Carla's husband pressures her to steal money from her elderly friend, but Carla cannot go through with it. Carla must decide if she should accept her friend's help and run away or confront her temperamental husband.

A woman, lonely in her marriage, judges the adulterous actions of her sister-in-law, only to discover the two of them are not so different after all.