Short stories by Roxane Gay

Roxane Gay’s writing appears in Best American Mystery Stories 2014, Best American Short Stories 2012, Best Sex Writing 2012, A Public Space, McSweeney’s, Tin House, Oxford American, American Short Fiction, Virginia Quarterly Review, and many others. She is a contributing opinion writer for the New York Times. She is the author of the books Ayiti, An Untamed State, the New York Times bestselling Bad Feminist, the nationally bestselling Difficult Women and the New York Times bestselling Hunger. She is also the author of World of Wakanda for Marvel. She has several books forthcoming and is also at work on television and film projects. She also has a newsletter, The Audacity.

Listing 5 stories.

In a dystopian future where children are rare and valuable, a young woman deemed unfit to give birth by the government steals a baby in hopes of liberating both the child and herself.

Two sisters become inseparable and co-dependent after being abducted and sexually abused by a man in a van as children. When one sister finds out their abuser is up for parole, she leaves town and the other sister follows.

A Black woman recently moved to Michigan's desolate, unfriendly Upper Peninsula to pursue a post-doc takes comfort in an unlikely relationship.

A dominant person and their submissive wife enjoy a kinky sex life together.

In a small town, a teenage girl who suffers from sexual harassment and assault finds first love, escapes her abusive household, and begins to heal.