Short stories tagged with Conversation

Listing 9 stories.

In a small rural town in the 1930s, three friends — a farmer’s wife, a music teacher and adulteress, and a single huntswoman — drift away from one another as they grow older, choosing unexpected futures for themselves.

Over dinner, an observer reflects on mothers and their omnipresent prevalence in children’s lives.

An American woman and man visiting France criticize the French people and culture, revealing their ignorance and disregard even as they delight in the fun their unusual group of friends is having.

Duane’s death reveals a truth his family members refuse to accept, and his loved ones who defend him are violently rejected by his homophobic family members.

A woman remembers how she met her unusual husband in a ski lodge and the series of events that led them to their current home in the South Pole.

In a futuristic society in which free speech is illegal without a license, a man works to get his license by having strange and touching conversations with a bizarre cast of characters.

A young college professor struggles with how to communicate with her father after she learns that he has prostate cancer.

A depressed woman develops a combative relationship with her therapist, which leads her to take agency over her life.

A man retells the inspirational story of a blind, Black pianist’s rise to success and how he came to see music as his light and his inability to see race as a gift.