Short stories tagged with Abrupt Ending

Listing 12 stories.

A child chained in a cellar abused by their enraged parents decides to take matters into their own hands.

A rational New York accountant gets into a dramatic dispute with his mother over the veracity of a tabloid conspiracy theory.

A bartender laments that the professional wrestlers in Charlotte are moving to Atlanta, feeling that all excitement is draining from the North Carolina town. At the end of the final match, all possibilities of love and hope drain from his life.

Several mysterious deaths occur in a large house. When the crime scene investigator visits the scene, he becomes drawn to the perpetrator of the crime: the house itself.

A self-willed young girl embarks on a train ride to a coastal town for a day, encountering eccentric people along the way.

When an older woman seeks reprieve from her motherly duties on a day of solitude in the woods, an unexpected slip changes her life forever.

A Dominican-American boy in modern New York City lusts after his cooler older brother’s beautiful girlfriend. Only in the face of unexpected tragedy does he get to shoot his own shot.

Two boys spend a day at their unbearably mundane small town's fair. When the boys suddenly decide to leave the town for good, several obstacles, including supernatural occurrences, get in their way.

An awkward Connecticut professor tries to cure his loneliness by dating tens of women, all to no avail.

A lesbian painter in the Northeastern United States evolves from the 1980s to the 2020s as she witnesses horrible tragedy, familial disapproval, and blazing-hot love.