Read these if you like Stories About Religion

Listing 7 stories.

After the entire world experiences a collective period of rage that leaves many dead and injured, a woman ventures out on her own, making allies and discovering the truth about those who've survived.

As a member of a 1950's West Indies African/Indian family steeped in superstitious tradition, a teenage boy has four encounters with a spirit that comes to collect the dead, with the last taking someone he loves dearly.

When a ten-year-old boy stands up at a family dinner and declares he wants to meet God, his proclamation spurs a series of philosophical debates.

Dr. Helen Gaynor is murdered in Africa as she leaves a pharmacy buying supplies for her office, but alongside other events of the week, it is unveiled that her death is only part of "God's Plan."

While he travels through Mexico, a Syrian man meets a young girl whose father has sold her into prostitution. On the bus ride to a village, the man tells the young girl stories of Jesus.

A policeman comes home distraught and tells his wife about his treatment of the homeless population. After kicking several homeless people, he encounters a dead man and is suddenly remorseful for how he treated him.

A hidden photograph reveals a story about the strained fraternal relations between two brothers spanning decades in mid-twentieth century America.