Read these if you like Climate Fiction

Listing 5 stories.

In New Orleans, two sisters survive Hurricane Katrina, but one is left unalterably damaged by the storm.

A young Caribbean merwoman decides to bring her friends to explore living on land, but the trip puts them in horrible danger. Upon returning underwater, she must face the consequences of putting her entire community at risk.

In a dystopian world, the red water ocean attracts tourists but repels residents. When a couple moves from Boston to the somewhat abandoned shore, strange things begin to happen.

In a far dystopian future, a girl happily living on an island of floating garbage is ostracized after destroying the only chance for her people to find dry land.

A delusional ruler puts the sun on trial to convince his people that the world is in an ice age, when it is actually unbearably hot. When a child's grandfather is forced to defend the sun, he is punished for revealing the truth.