Short stories by Steve Almond

Steve Almond is the author of ten books of fiction and nonfiction, including the New York Times bestsellers Candyfreak and Against Football. You can check those out here.

Last year, he published Bad Stories, a literary investigation of what the hell just happened to our country, which he wrote to keep from going crazy. (You can find his latest rants here or here.)

His new book, which comes out in June, is called William Stoner and the Battle for the Inner Life. It’s about reading and writing and the struggle to pay attention to our lives.

For four years, Steve hosted the New York Times Dear Sugars podcast with his pal Cheryl Strayed. His short stories have been anthologized widely, in the Best American Short Stories, The Pushcart Prize, Best American Erotica, and Best American Mysteries series. He also publishes crazy, DIY books.

Listing 3 stories.

When a psychoanalyst's family forces him to give up his poker addiction, he uses the misery of one of his patients, a poker champion, to keep his need to gamble at bay.

A middle-aged father starts to get mysterious visits from Italian mobsters as his marriage detiorates.

In 2006, a teenage waiter working in a restaurant on California's Mount Tamalapis handles an erratic, unstable female customer as a favor to another coworker.