Short stories by Ivan Gold

In 1953, Columbia undergraduate Ivan Gold published the short story“Change of Air.” It “stayed in my memory as one of the mostmoving stories I had ever read,” the literary critic Lionel Trillingwrote 10 years later, “and I wondered how the young author would go onfrom that remarkable accomplishment.” Trilling was reviewing, withadmiration, Gold’s first book, Nickel Miseries, a collection ofshort stories he said “give promise of an even further development thatwill make Mr. Gold one of the commanding writers of histime.”  Gold, who taught creative writing andliterature in the Arts and Sciences English department and inMetropolitan College through last fall, died on December 23. He was 75.

Listing 2 stories.

When a group of college boys cross paths with a girl known for her infamous sexual activities, they try to entice her into a night out, only to find she has become a different person.

A young black man struggles to survive basic training for the Army, as his superiors torment him and he is constantly punished for misbehaving.