Short stories tagged with Underdog Story

Listing 5 stories.

After surviving an attack on his life, a Serengeti park ranger realizes that greedy poachers will stop at nothing to get their hands on the valuable horns of the endangered rhinoceros.

After getting a new horse that is faster than his last one, a Quaker in southern Indiana and the local minister engage in a morally dubious horse race to church on Sunday morning.

On a cold night in Indianapolis, a chance meeting brings two lonely divorcees together. For the night, they pretend to be a happy couple, hoping to work through the problems of their past relationships, grasping for some kind of genuine human connection.

In a world brimming with magical realism, a young girl in Communist China confronts a malicious member of the Red Guard when he threatens her ailing grandmother.

After twenty long years of destitution from being rejected by popular art sellers, an artist decides to reverse his misfortune by besting the Metropolitan Museum of Art.