Short stories tagged with Temptation

Listing 7 stories.

Shortly after an Indian P.h.D. student is arrested for hiring a prostitute, he is released from prison and develops feelings for a P.h.D student working in the library, all while attempting to differentiate between love and desire.

In a convent, a young nun’s internal war between desire and religion comes to a head when she makes a new, devious friend.

In a modern-day world, an old lady with an uneventful life finds the Holy Grail in a pawn shop and buys it, thinking it will look nice on her mantle. The next day, a knight in shining armor shows up searching for it.

In the year 2000, Orion is a young software developer who’s hit it big with his tech company in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Despite his long-term relationship, success, and newfound riches, he feels an emptiness in his life, leading him into dangerous territory.

When a sexual assault takes place near his Minneapolis home, a young, expectant father’s desire for erotic violence is triggered, leading him to crave inflicting terror on women.

A seasoned painter in New York is confronted with his senility when a fresh, up-and-coming artist attempts to sell one of his pieces to him. Though the older painter isn't interested in his artwork, he is interested in his fresh, youthful wife.

A Buddhist monk tells a visitor about an enchanting woman he met and why he feels he must redeem himself.