Read these if you like Stories About Childhood

Listing 5 stories.

A young daughter muses about her lovely life on a cow farm, despite encountering some unsettling moments on the farm grounds.

Two boys become friends after one of them displays unflinching honesty in the face of a tyrannical teacher. Ultimately, their friendship is destroyed when the same honesty robs the second boy of some of his childhood ignorance.

After a young Jewish boy moves to Berlin with his family, he learns that his family agreed to watch a boy from the mental institution on the weekends. The two become friends, and the boy learns more about himself through meeting the other boy.

After he gets divorced, a father finds renewed purpose through his role as a single parent and the precious time he spends with his children.

A wealthy, elderly man grapples with how to raise his young grandson by himself and questions his natural instinct to be overly strict with the child.