Short stories by Alix Ohlin

Alix Ohlin is the author of five books, most recently Dual Citizens (June 2019). Dual Citizens, like her novel Inside, was a finalist for the Scotiabank Giller Prize and the Rogers Writers’ Trust Fiction Prize. Her work has appeared in The New YorkerThe WalrusBest American Short Stories, on public radio’s “Selected Shorts,” and many other places.  She lives in Vancouver, where she chairs the Creative Writing Program at the University of British Columbia.

Listing 4 stories.

As two friends, Bridget and Angela, grow older, their paths cross and diverge at pivotal moments in their lives while they both deal with the stress of family and marriage.

A longtime dentist's receptionist accepts a dinner invitation from a new coworker and her boyfriend; as the evening unfolds, the women realize they both have traumas in their past.

As his father grows distant, a boy with a developmental disability and his pregnant, newly single mother struggle to make ends meet on their own. Amid their arduous, chaotic lives, his piano lessons become an unexpected solace.

After his wife's death, a man strikes up a romance with a new woman — as well as an unexpected friendship with the woman's ex-husband.