Short stories tagged with Regrets

Listing 7 stories.

A young woman grows up without magic in a magical family and society, with strict rules and roles that are often tied to gender. When she sets off on a journey and her adult life begins, she finds her worldview tested—especially when members of her family come out as transgender and begin to transition.

An independent elderly woman becomes involved with a much younger man and reflects on life, love, and relationships.

A lonely, grieving man attends a divorce party and ruminates on the state of his life and affairs. He becomes inspired by a beautiful pet tortoise and finally finds the emotional release that he has been seeking since he suffered a tragic loss for which he blames himself.

Sitting on a plane headed for Cincinnati, a man meets a woman who reminds him of a girl he once knew, and the worst thing he's ever done.

Four individuals get-together one night at their wealthy friend's home only to become submerged in the intersectionalities of their romantic pasts.

Lying in a hospital bed, a time-traveling computer program asks a dying man, who abandoned his family to live his life to the fullest, if it was all worth it in the end.

In the modern day, a mixed-race man perched on the edge of the Williamsburg Bridge, ready to jump. He contemplates his lovers, mother, writing, and regrets to the tune of an old jazz song.