Short stories tagged with Nihilism

Listing 5 stories.

After a trial injection of an experimental drug into a group of monkeys, an observer watches the various participants’ unusual and often deadly responses.

On her drive to her hometown in Georgia, a medical student contemplates the recent death of her reckless friend and picks up a stranger with a cast on the side of the road.

As the end of the world approaches a wealthy artists’ community, a long-married couple stays with their friends and attends nihilistic, indulgent suicide parties.

A greedy old landlord contemplates the end of his life as his tenacious tenant's demands of reparation for his wife's death drives him closer to madness. Nearing the end of his life, a stingy landlord refuses to pay for his tenant's funeral bill and becomes entranced by a pregnant squatter on his property.

By trampling the grass as he walks the same route over and over to gather clams, an elderly man makes space for a bounty of primroses to flourish, which allows the moths and other pollinators to thrive. When he dies, the roses and moths follow suit.