Short stories tagged with Graffiti

Listing 4 stories.

A group of ghosts—all young, Black, inner city teenagers—continuously paint their tags on buildings to prevent themselves from fading away as the city cleans the walls. A chance encounter between two of the ghosts leads to a startling revelation.

Three very different people—a vulgar comedian, an eloquent Cambridge graduate with a chemistry doctorate, and a proud historian—deliver three speeches posthumously honoring the same chemist and lend comic but profound insight into the recipient's multi-faceted character and contributions.

A young girl lives with her family in Northern Ireland and often spends time exploring the city and listening to her father's stories. When one of the mother's clients falls for a fortune teller's tricks, the family must decide whether or not they will help her.

A young comic artist works at a nearby steakhouse and spends his free time dreaming up a character he calls 'Warrior Jesus,' a savior who enacts revenge on evil people.