Short stories by Barry Targan

Barry Targan was born and reared in Atlantic City and recalls with pleasure prowling the bays and inlets. Targan is the assistant director at Skidmore College University Without Walls at Saratoga Springs.

Listing 4 stories.

Two reluctant passengers on a Caribbean cruise clash with the experienced Tour Director, and their conflict indirectly leads to the entire trip becoming a resounding failure.

After a retired inventor becomes widowed, he decides to take Latin classes and falls for his teacher despite his grief and hesitations.

A man thinks back on his life as he prepares for death and wonders if his existence was meaningful, or simply fleeting.

A professor finds himself attracted to one of his students, allowing her to skip the final exams - but her resultant grade causes her to lash out at him and reveal harsh truths about his own life that he finds difficult to accept.