Short stories by A.T. Greenblatt

I’m A(liza) T. Greenblatt. An engineer and a writer. A constant reader and music listener. An adventurous/messy cook and baker. Movie watcher, button mashing gamer, traveler, and gym rat. I like to make things and solve problems. I like to build things and write things down. Why don’t I use my full name as my byline? Because when I first Googled myself this Aliza Greenblatt came up. It’s okay though, she beat me to it fair and square. I’ve won the 2019 Nebula Award for Best Short Story for “Give the Family My Love.” I was also a Nebula finalist for 2018, a Theodore Sturgeon Award finalist and a Parsec Award finalist. My stories have appeared in Uncanny, Clarkesworld, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Strange Horizons, Escape Pod, Podcastle, _and others. I was an editorial assistant for a few years at Every Day Fiction and Flash Fiction Online and am a graduate of Viable Paradise XVI and Clarion West 2017. I was an interviewer at Flash Fiction Chronicles, pestering EDF’s top author of the month with questions.

Listing 3 stories.

A woman on a space mission to help save the planet sends audio messages to her brother back on Earth. The last message contains gut-wrenching confessions, and reveals that her brother is the reason she is on the mission at all.

A young man in a post-apocalyptic future embarks on a journey to take his parents' ashes to an impossible mountaintop ocean, despite tragic tales of the ill-fated travelers who made the journey before.

In a world where mushrooms feed on creativity, an under-appreciated artist undergoes a risky operation to replace his dying inner voice. But when the first transplant fails, he must find another donor, or risk being banished from society forever.