Short stories tagged with Trading

Listing 4 stories.

The asteroid work crews don't have much to do but tell tall tales to each other. One man tells a particularly riveting account of an expedition where he met a strange parasitic species that inhabits human bodies and barely escaped unscathed—or did he?

A young woman grows up without magic in a magical family and society, with strict rules and roles that are often tied to gender. When she sets off on a journey and her adult life begins, she finds her worldview tested—especially when members of her family come out as transgender and begin to transition.

Two young individuals on their honeymoon stop at a gas station in an Indian reservation to buy souvenirs and eat lunch. To the great embarrassment of his wife, the husband spends the entirety of their stop mocking the Native Americans who live there.

A local sailor in Venice is upset by the irreverence exhibited by tourists—and it gets him into immense danger.