
Short stories tagged with Impending Doom

Listing 4 stories.

A woman notices a decrepit house moving closer to hers and decides to investigate it with her friends.

A young woman with a green ribbon tied permanently around her neck protects the ribbon from the endless pawing of her husband. As they raise their son, the risk of the ribbon unraveling increases.

A group of men in a small American town make a deal with an ancient being in the 1960s so that the town would never change. Now, the last of the men is on his death bed, and the rest of the town struggles with what his death means for them.

A woman goes to see her son in prison with a birthday surprise from his sister: a colonist on a spaceship on a voyage to another planet. On her way to visit, her luck runs out: though she's able to get into the prison and show the son her video blog, the spaceship where her daughter resides has caught fire.