Short stories tagged with Elopement

Listing 5 stories.

A middle-aged, single, hairdresser spends the day spreading gossip from client to client. She ends her busy day with an ultimate act of meddling.

A young girl understands the young life and affairs of her recently passed aunt through a combination of her mother's memory, oral history, and photographs.

A young couple in their 20s set off on a spontaneous trip to the American West that leads them to Joshua Tree, where the girl is possessed by the spirit of a tree, forcing the couple to renegotiate their impulsive relationship.

As a teenage girl stumbles upon a mysterious portal leading her to a utopian, magical world, her storyline converges with that of the author—a middle-aged, married mother of two who has come out as asexual to her husband—leading both to a reckoning with their unfulfilling romantic relationships and deepest desires.

A young black man just out of graduate school narrates the story of his sister's unhappy marriage, their cramped living arrangement in Brooklyn, and the toll it takes on her health and sanity.