A traveler's engine dies and he tries to rev it back up. Meeting little success, he gets out the car and faces the biting cold outside. He builds a fire to keep himself warm while waiting for someone to come along and help him.
As night falls, no one comes, so he goes through the woods and comes across farm buildings. He knocks at one of the doors and is approached by a boy, who looks roughly 11 years old. The boy frantically shares that his grandfather is sick and shows him an old man lying down. The grandfather’s eyes are closed; he had apparently fallen when the boy was gone.
The traveler decides to go to the nearest place with a phone so they can call a doctor. The boy sends the traveler off with his horse. As the traveler rides off for the 5 mile journey, he is intrigued by his adventure towards an unknown place with a strange sense of identity and familiarity.