The Woman in the Closet
By Mimi Lok
After an elderly woman, is kicked out of her son's home, she breaks into a stranger's house and begins to secretly live in his closet in Hong Kong.
Plot Summary
Granny Ng is an elderly woman forced to take up residence in a tent village for the houseless in Hong Kong Park after her son forces her out of his home so that he and his wife can have more room to themselves. Granny Ng is pleased by the kindness she receives from Kitty, the woman who helps new arrivals settle in. Kitty makes the case to Uncle Chow, the former chef who runs the encampment, that to turn away Granny Ng would condemn her to a life of abuse in a nursing home. After spending over a month in the tent village, Granny Ng is evicted by officials who are cracking down on houselessness in Hong Kong. After saying a sad goodbye to Kitty, Granny Ng bounces between tent villages, inevitably facing eviction after foreshortened stays. Eventually, Granny Ng is left with nowhere else to go, and sets up her tent on the side of a highway. While her provisions begin to diminish, she notices a house situated on the other side of the highway that seemingly has only one inhabitant, a young man who appears to leave each morning and returns each evening, leaving the house empty during the day. While confronting the austerity of her circumstances, Granny works up the courage to scope out the house when it is empty, and breaks in through an open window. She finds the house stocked with the necessities she is in need of, and dozes off after preparing ramen and watching TV. She wakes up to the house’s sole inhabitant returning home from his day at work, and is forced into a closet compartment concealed by rows of hanging clothes, where she evades detection. Preferring the relative comfort of the closet to the side of the highway, Granny Ng decides to remain in the house, cleaning up after the man during the day and sleeping in the closet at night. She does so for a year, and makes trips to the original tent village in order to give supplies and food to Kitty and Uncle Chow. The young man’s bachelor lifestyle reminds Granny Ng of her son, to whom she pens letters in her free time. The familiarity of the young man’s habits leaves Granny Ng with a melancholy feeling as she considers her abandonment at the hands of her own son. Eventually Granny Ng is discovered when the man, whose name Granny Ng discovers is Mr. Mok, suspecting the presence of an intruder, installs a security system. He is initially enraged by her crime, but authorities talk him down from pressing charges by prompting him to consider all of the unpaid housework Granny Ng had done for him during the year. He at first resents the humiliation of his predicament and feels anxious in his own home, but eventually comes to appreciate the shape Granny Ng kept the house in as things deteriorate when he is left on his own. Granny Ng is moved into a nursing home, and Mr. Mok considers employing her as a housekeeper, but with time begins to forget about her.
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