The 43 Antarean Dynasties
By Mike Resnick, first published in Asimov's Science Fiction
An unwilling Antarean guide takes an obnoxious family of Earthlings on a tour of the planet's most important temple.
Published in
Plot Summary
The Temple of the Honored Sun had been built to honor Antarean Emporer Maloth IV's first born son. It was made of pure crystal, and had millions of towers. But today, it's towers are diminished to about 16,000 after many years of alien conquerers' attacks. Many years later, by the 43rd dynasty, Antareans have been subjugated and are impoverished. Much of the temple has been ransacked for it's jewells so that Antareans could eat, and Antarean guides are forced to endure disrespectful tourists. One day, an Antarean guide who goes by the name Hermes is asked to give a tour by an obnoxious family of three Earthlings. He shows them the towers and explains their past function and their former glory. He tells them of the history of the invasions, and heavily embellishes upon how impoverished Anteareans had become out of embarassment. At one point, the Earthling family gives a begging Antarean child a few coins to feed himself, which summons a group of other begging Antarean children. The familiy becomes annoyed, and has their guide shoo them away since the children don't speak any Earth language, and they can't tell them themselves. The children leave but say they will just rob the tourists' hotel. The guide is again embarassed at the state of his planet and his people who are reduced to begging, but is sympathetic to the hungry children. After the children run off, they continue the tour. The tourists continue to make degrading and ignorant remarks about Antarean history as the guide explains the different areas of the temple. The woman constantly asks questions and takes picutres, the man is gruff and snarky, while the child is disinterested and uncooperative. Eventually, the man gets tired of walking, and the child wants to go and watch TV, so despite the woman wanting to continue the tour, they end it abruptly. The woman tries to convince the man to continue the tour by telling him he already agreed to pay for it. But the man says he will simply pay for only the part that they had seen. But after looking at their Antarean guide, he decides to pay him in full.