Read these if you like Stories About The End Of The World

Listing 4 stories.

At a party in its 40th straight hour, a group of eccentric bureaucrats in DC discuss human behavior, music-without-instruments, and the laws of thermodynamics, while trying to keep the party from deteriorating into chaos

In a post-apocalyptic America, two brothers travel across the country to find a woman who can help save one of them from a terrifying magical fate.

A man wakes up one day and realizes the world has ended, and he is the only survivor. He wanders aimlessly and crashes at another house before encountering a woman, who seems to be the only other survivor.

A young woman who is a Speleologist teams up to explore an extremely deep cavern with a Geophysicist who believes that the earth is hollow and the Underworld is accessible through caves. Once sealed by Aboriginals, the pair soon regrets reopening the cave.