Read these if you like Emotional Stories

Listing 4 stories.

Feeling unloved by her sisters, a woman elopes to Houston only for her marriage to swiftly fall apart and her cat to abandon her. However, an unexpected development allows her to reconcile with her sisters and finally be at peace.

Having been hospitalized for a long time, a young girl finds herself surrounded by people who cannot understand the strangeness of her illness. After her friend visits her, she must accept that her relationships may never be the same, and that her expectations that tether her to a life outside of the hospital may be very different from the disappointing reality.

Unwilling to return to boarding school, a girl begs her mother to let her leave. But when her father becomes involved, she must come to terms with the hatred she feels for her mother's weakness and dependence on alcohol.

A circus wire-walker suffers an injury that relegates him to an unimportant side-show, but he finds solace in the company of a Rhesus monkey who has lost her child.