Short stories published in Weird Tales

Listing 5 stories.

A spaceship and its crew crash land on a planet covered in sand. As two men wait for rescuers, they begin to realize that the dunes they stand on hide a tremendous secret.

A teenage girl is the apprentice to a mysterious magician who fails to reveal the sinister lifeforce behind their magic.

A Black man survives a train crash that he caused, and thinks back on the mysterious stranger who revealed his true heritage to him: he is a shoggoth, a slave of the Elder Things, and in causing the crash he has set himself free.

A Wendigo prepares herself for a ceremony.

A young man visits a psychiatrist on a quest to hunt down Jack the Ripper, whom he believes has been murdering people in exchange for eternal youth. He thinks that Jack the Ripper is currently disguised as one of the psychiatrist's friends.