Short stories published in Chicago Quarterly Review

Launched in 1994, The Chicago Quarterly Review is a literary journal publishing short stories, poetry, translations, and essays. Its publications have gone on to receive the O.Henry and Pushcart Prizes, and have also appeared in Best American Short Stories and Best American Essays.

Listing 4 stories.

A Russian immigrant who lives in Cuba gets the chance to move to America with his girlfriend, and must consider the life he will leave behind.

In the early 1930s, an aspiring Jewish artist takes a voyage across the Atlantic in search of a mentor in Paris. The man she is looking for is no longer there, but she meets someone else instead: a doctor turned novelist with an unsavory philosophy but burning desires.

In 1988 Germany, a teenaged girl likes to probe her uptight family members for the rich stories they carry from their past. When her aunt—the black sheep of the family—comes to stay with them, the girl is fascinated by her free-spirited persona and the family secrets she may hold.

A detective from New York City is helping a mother and child escape to Florida when a strange man carrying a gun comes into the diner where he is eating.