Short stories tagged with Unambiguous Ending

Listing 3 stories.

In a faraway future, humans have sunk to the bottom of the food chain, with animals leading society and taking charge of the world. Despite animals' hatred for humans, a smart, observant horse becomes interested in a strange human girl, one who doesn't seem to fit in with her group.

Two elderly sisters who have lived in near isolation finally leave their house and enter society after one sister is tricked by the king of their medieval kingdom into leaving their secluded palace. The king transforms one sister into a beautiful young woman, but the process goes terribly wrong when he attempts to beautify the other sister as well. As both sisters are tortured and ridiculed by the townspeople for the way that they look, they quickly regret their decision to ever leave the safety of their home and fall into despair at their equally botched transformations.

When two struggling climate scientists meet after a university job interview, their despondency about the state of the world leads to a night of chaos and debauchery, and inspires a newly-out student to follow his heart.