Short stories tagged with Existential Crisis

Listing 6 stories.

For this time traveler's final test, he must learn if history can really be changed.

In a universe that regenerates continually, producing the exact same timeline with each big bang, humans struggle to find meaning in lives over which they have no control.

In a near-future world, a civilian is caught in a strange criminal investigation when his AI device—which gives him advice about acts of kindness to perform—leads him to be a pawn in a software pirate's revenge scheme.

In modern day NYC, an unmarried, fifty-something-year-old lawyer takes a year off work to contemplate her fate and plunges into an obsession with the life of the 19th century writer George Eliot—and with recreating Eliot's lifelong love affair.

A piano tuner visits the home of a middle aged Creole woman who is struggling to move on from her parents’ death after having spent a majority of her youth looking after them. Over the course of multiple visits, the piano tuner convinces her to seek treatment for her depression.

A rejected author ponders his writing abilities and lonely existence as he experiences his monotonous daily life. After one of his stories is rejected yet again, he receives a mysterious letter regarding the unpublished story that offers new hope.