In the present, a young woman becomes obsessed with her preparations for potential natural disasters. She ensures that she and her boyfriend have a meeting point in case an earthquake hits.
At the same time, the woman starts to feel more distant from her boyfriend because she struggles to relate to his second-generation Asian American upbringing as a first-generation Asian American immigrant herself. Her boyfriend starts to work for a Presidential candidate, but the candidate loses, and her boyfriend shuts down. The woman had resented his passion for the campaign and had hoped that afterwards, they could return to normal, but they can’t.
Wildfires strike all over the state, and the woman hunkers down and starts to produce more music. She realizes she does not want to be a witness to history. In the summer, her boyfriend admits that he kissed their friend, and she remains silent. She wonders if there is any place in the city where both of them could be safe.