One day, a young woman, Kayla, finds a listing on the Lost & Found section of Craigslist for a rift that has opened in someone's backyard. Though the reader does not entirely understand what the rift is, Kayla recognizes it and calls the man who posted the listing to warn him not to go through it.
As the story progresses, more and more strange things happen around Kayla in the Greater Seattle Area. People disappear under mysterious circumstances. Corpses are found. Even Kayla starts to see things that aren't entirely there.
Kayla, of course, understands what is going on. Fae are wreaking havoc and kidnapping people for their own amusement. Kayla knows this because she herself was kidnapped by them. They were so taken with her guitar skills that they took her as a musician pet to amuse themselves with. Eventually, Kayla was set free because she had become so disenchanted with the Fae world--she became "broken" in a sense--and no longer amused them.
Though Kayla has been released, and, indeed wanted to be freed, she still struggles with being parted from that world. Throughout the story, she reflects on the world and longs for it. It is this longing that has kept her from having a normal life. She stays locked up in her apartment all day. Eventually, she runs into a being from that world and it offers to take her back. Kayla refuses, though it is a difficult decision. Eventually, she decides to try to restart her life.