Short stories by Kevin Moffett

Kevin Moffett is the author of two books, Permanent Visitors, which won the John Simmons Short Fiction Award, and Further Interpretations of Real-Life Events. He is a frequent contributor to McSweeney’s and his stories and essays have appeared in Tin House, American Short Fiction, The Believer, A Public Space, The Best American Short Stories and elsewhere. He has received the National Magazine Award, the Nelson Algren Award, the Pushcart Prize and a literature fellowship from the National Endowment of the Arts. The Silent History, a collaborative multi-part narrative he wrote with Matt Derby and Eli Horowitz, was released as an app for mobile devices in 2012, and as a novel in 2014. It is currently in development at AMC.

Listing 3 stories.

A writer is shocked when his retired father begins to publish stories. The man struggles to admit that his father is a talented writer, especially since the stories are based on events from the man's childhood.

In the 1920s, an elderly John D. Rockefeller sits at his beach house in Florida and looks over the ocean. When an airman offers him a ride in an airplane, the millionaire questions his life philosophy.

Andrea and her boyfriend Dixon languish nakedly through the summer, having sex four times a day and doing not much else while Dixon dreams of opening a tattoo parlor. Andrea vows to break up with him by the end of the summer, envisioning a brand new start when she goes to college, but not before a permanent memento is inked on her skin.