Short stories by Alice Sola Kim

Alice Sola Kim, a left-handed anchor baby currently residing in New York, is a winner of the 2016 Whiting Award. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming in places such as Tin House, The Village Voice, McSweeney's, Lenny, BuzzFeed Books, and The Year's Best Science Fiction and Fantasy. She has received grants and scholarships from the MacDowell Colony, Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, and the Elizabeth George Foundation.

Listing 4 stories.

After a mother is brought back from the dead by a group of young Korean adoptees, she possesses them each and tries to make them better people.

A group of friends are living the same week over and over again, but only one girl is aware of it. After years facing her friends' disbelief, her family's helplessness, and the same troubling news cycles about bad men, she decides to leave herself in the past.

A thirty-year-old woman is given the chance to travel back in time and change the fate of a bullied nine-year-old girl —possibly the nine year old version of herself.

When a mysterious new member joins a group of struggling authors, the friends discover that they may have a supernatural creature in their midst, who can grant a single author success above all the others—but at a cost.