Short stories by Jerry Bumpus

Jerry Bumpus is Professor Emeritus at San Diego State University. He holds a BA in English from the University of Missouri, and an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Iowa. He has published 121 stories, 24 of which have been anthologized. He has also published five story collections and two novels. His third novel has been brewed and is in the final stages of polishing. His work has appeared in Esquire, The Paris Review, The Best American Short Stories (1974 and 1975), Tri-Quarterly, The Iowa Review, and dozens of other respected journals.

Listing 3 stories.

When a young hospital attendee runs away from charges of murder, he lands in the refuge of two artists. He stays to learn how to paint and begins to form secretive bonds with his strange hosts.

In the deserts of New Mexico, a man living alone briefly opens his home to two strays from a passing motorcycle group, one of which is nursing a mortal wound.

When an elderly woman moves to Illinois to spend the rest of her days peacefully, a new friendship stirs up previously unknown passions in her bosom.