
Short stories tagged with Cliff Hanger

Listing 3 stories.

An American art historian attends a diplomat's dinner in Amsterdam where a looming threat of a terrorist attack hangs over the evening.

In the Land of Witches, an enslaved girl learns the magic of Dream Science and liberates herself from her master. Her account of the town inspires a present-day researcher, trapped in her war-torn hometown, and a band of witches to pilgrimage to the site. An enslaved girl's fantastical account of the Land of Witches encourages a group of witches and a present-day researcher, marooned in her war-torn hometown, to locate the site through the magic of dreams.

In a society where dreams are taboo, one man who has recurring dreams tries to find a place where he will fit in. He attends a therapy group, but there is something eerie about this bunch of people and Solar soon disappears.