In the near future, a young scientist called Mei is trying to manipulate space time to no avail. She meets a mysterious entity called Anchron, who acts outside of space time. He inspires her to develop stasis pods to help humans travel space. In conjunction with a recent discovery that allows humans to upload their consciousness onto "consciousness boxes" that spaceships can bring to other planets, Mei, as well as others, travel to Beta Hydri.
Her consciousness fuses with her spaceship's, and she encounters other entities who share with her the secrets of manipulating spacetime. Mei becomes Prime, a powerful entity that gives birth to Anchron. Anchron has special powers that allow him to view time as merely another dimension like space, and he is able to travel back in time to talk with the Mei of the past.
He travels back in time to help the past Mei, and he later admits to the present Mei that he has saved bits and pieces of her during his travels. He has saved limbs and other body parts that she discarded in her youth as she upgraded her body. The present Mei is touched. They agree that she should inhabit a body to start a human colony on the far reaches of space.