In a dystopian world where the poor are taken advantage of, Sauro, a hard-of-speaking teenager growing up in foster care, has a port implanted in his head. In order to make money, he uses his brain as a data processing center to power the information going through the internet. In a group foster care facility called the Egan House, Sauro meets Case, a gay, white boy who also ports. They form a friendship which later blossoms into a love relationship as Sauro comes to terms with his sexual orientation. They discuss what Sauro will do after his time in the foster care system is up. He could continue porting; however, port too hard and he could end up permanently brain damaged. Eventually, Case convinces Sauro to try porn. Together, they shoot a video, and afterwards, Case leaves Sauro for good. Sauro discovers that he has powerful porting abilities and connects multiple porters together to take down the city's electricity.