In a futuristic world in outer space, some humans have to work in outer space for various projects. As a result, they have transformed themselves into various forms of marine life known as “sushis” to better function in the microgravity of outer space. Sushis can only be created through surgery and are unable to reproduce. This transformation has made them a political underclass in human society and has caused many sushis to want an independence movement.
Arkae, a female octopus who is a form of sushi, works with a group of sushi in outer space, where they assist in scientific research. When Fry, Arkae’s human coworker and friend, gets injured, Fry decides to become a sushi.
The human government tries to prevent Fry from becoming a sushi, and Fry gets a lawyer so that her surgery can be approved. Arkae wonders what form of marine life Fry will decide to inhabit. Arkae hopes she becomes an octopus like her, as she is romantically attracted to Fry.
When Fry’s surgery gets approved, she becomes a “nautilus,” a type of mollusk, to the dismay of Arkae. Fry reveals that nautiluses have the highest chance of surviving Jupiter, and Fry plans to form colonies on this planet to help sushis gain independence. Arkae is sad at her friend’s moving and fears the political climate in the government. There has been progress as more sushis have joined political offices, but this has caused fractures in the sushi community. Many other sushis are angry that only nautiluses are in government. They want more representation of other forms of sushis, such as octopuses. Arkae wonders if she should move to the colonies in Jupiter but decides that she doesn’t want to leave her home world.